Author's Bio
Kanika is a versatile researcher, blogger, and author, delving into the world of tech blogs covering Telecommunications and Cyber Security. With a solid engineering background, she turns intricate tech jargons into relatable, real-life stories. Her writing isn't just about words; it's a fusion of detail, intrigue, and relevance to the audience, reflecting her passion for writing and design. Beyond her work, Kanika finds joy in painting, and exploring new places while traveling.

How Does International Roaming Work? The Telcos’ Guide

how does international roaming work

With every international trip comes international roaming because it is one of those essentials for staying connected when traveling overseas. Isn’t it amazing that with just a smartphone in hand, travelers can stay connected to their circle regardless of the location? International roaming helps mobile devices transition seamlessly from the home to the destination networks. […]

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What is Signaling System 7 (SS7)? A Definitive Guide

what is SS7

Language is the medium we use to communicate with each other in our daily lives. In the technological domain, protocols are the language used by devices to communicate and work with each other. SS7 is one such framework consisting of a family of protocols, that has revolutionized how voice calls, SMS, and data services are […]

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UCaaS vs CCaaS: Which is Right for Your Business?

UCaaS vs CCaaS

The emergence of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has revolutionized business operations, driving a shift towards cloud-based solutions. Amongst the most significant innovations are UCaaS and CCaaS, two pivotal cloud-based communication solutions for modern enterprises. Providing a comprehensive suite of communication tools, these platforms offer cost efficiency, flexibility, better productivity, and customer satisfaction. While these two solutions have […]

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What is A2P Messaging and How Does it Work?

A2P messaging

Modern businesses often aim to enhance customer communication and drive engagement using A2P messaging. This powerful tool enables businesses to send automated text messages, ensuring timely and targeted communication. But how exactly does A2P messaging work, and is it suitable for your business? Well, if you are seeking answers to these questions, you should read […]

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How Cloud SBC Reduces Infrastructure Cost and Complexity?

Cloud SBC

For years, SBCs have been an indispensable part of the SIP-based VoIP networks. SBCs protect these networks from various types of cyber-attacks. And, that’s just one reason. SBCs also add quality to the flow of communication. Talking about the evolution of SBCs, initially, hardware-based SBCs were the only option to secure the network perimeters. Their […]

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What are Port Numbers and How Do They Work in Networking?

what is a port number

Ever wondered how you can scroll through your favorite fitness videos, send emails, and do online banking all at once, without everything turning into a chaotic digital mess? It’s all because of the numeric maestros of the networking world- Port Numbers. Didn’t know what these are? Well, there are over 65,000 ports available each with […]

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What is an SMS Aggregator and How Does it Work?

sms aggregator

When a person sends a text message to someone, usually it appears that it’s a one-step process. However, in the background, a lot of things happen. One critical role is that of SMS aggregators, who act as intermediaries between businesses and carriers for delivery of the messages to consumer’s mobile devices. Through this blog, we […]

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SBC vs Firewall : Which one is a Better Choice?

SBC vs Firewall

In today’s threat-filled digital world, security is a key non-negotiable for any business, right? Every enterprise needs a robust and effective security mechanism to protect its network from hackers and cyber attackers. While Firewalls are among the first security mechanisms, with time and change, SBCs or Session Border Controllers have become a more popular choice. […]

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Benefits of Session Border Controller (SBC) in your Network

SBC Benefits

You have a robust firewall installed to secure your business network. But then why do industry experts recommend Session Border Controllers or SBCs to safeguard networks? This is because firewalls are built to guard against traditional threats. Today, businesses have to deal with a wide range of vulnerabilities in VoIP traffic. SBCs offer comprehensive defense […]

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UCaaS vs CPaaS: How to Choose the Right One?

UCaaS vs CPaaS

Effective communication is an absolute essential in today’s digital-first business world. Whether it’s about internal collaboration or external customer interactions, a business needs the right communication tools to thrive. Recently, two significant technologies in this space have brought revolution to the way businesses communicate. We’re talking about UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) and CPaaS […]

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