Cloud Telephony Service Market Size, Industry Share & Growth Forecast


Cloud is dominating the market today, thanks to the immense benefits offered by this technology. Talking about Cloud Telephony, businesses worldwide are turning to cloud telephony solutions due to cost-effectiveness and remote working support. A few years back, businesses were stuck with those on-premise traditional phone systems that required large financial investments. Through this post, […]

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8 Important Benefits of White Label Hosted PBX Solution

white label hosted pbx

It is true that in-house products are best when it is about tackling a specific business problem or requirement, say the need for a tailor-made PBX system. But considering the technical constraints that a business has to face along with a lack of expertise in creating customized solutions, the whole effort can go in vain. […]

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Increase Revenue with White Label Cloud PBX

White label cloud PBX

Transition to VoIP started two decades back, but many businesses are still in the process of making this shift. This means service providers in the VoIP Industry have the opportunity to help businesses in making this shift. Considering that there are around 400 million small sized businesses worldwide, service providers can generate significant revenue streams. […]

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