With a staggering 2 billion active users per month, WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world. While it is loved and liked for everyday communication, when it comes to business communication, it’s a big ‘No’. Why? Well, let us discuss why businesses prefer using a WhatsApp alternative for secure communication. Risks Associated […]
The Ultimate Guide to SMS Fraud Detection and Prevention
In the age of smartphones and apps emerging every other second, it may appear that the concept of traditional SMS messaging is almost on the verge of extinction. But that’s really not true. In fact, if we look at the numbers, it is clear that SMS is still the king of all communication channels. Let’s […]
Why a Reliable VoIP Softswitch Solution Provider is Important?
Modern day VoIP communications need to be flexible and effective amidst the rapid changes happening every single day. A softswitch plays a crucial role in the successful execution of VoIP communication by offering a number of benefits. While there are many softswitches available in the market, here we are talking about class 4 & 5 […]
5 Use Cases of Business SMS Platform
Did you know that “In 2022, 70% of consumers opted in to receive texts from businesses.”? Also, 60% of business owners who text their customers plan on increasing their SMS marketing budget in 2022. There are several other marketing options available today, but we cannot deny the fact that SMS has always been a popular […]
Telecom Fraud Management: How to Identify and Prevent Fraud in Real Time?
Telecom fraud is on a continuous rise and is one of the biggest sources of revenue loss amongst Telcos. As per a report from CFCA Fraud Loss Survey, Telecom Fraud Losses have increased by 28% between the years 2019 and 2021. The onset of the pandemic in 2020, further escalated telecommunications fraud and security threats. […]