As per Statista, in 2025, consumers from around the world are projected to download 187 billion mobile apps from the Google Play Store, up from 109 billion apps downloaded from Google Play in 2020. By 2025, mobile apps are projected to generate over 613 billion U.S. dollars in revenues. As of the third quarter of […]
How to Create Your Own Messenger with White Label Solution
Are you looking for a white label solution to create messenger/chat app for your business? Well, while there are so many options out there, it is up to you how and which solution you choose. So if you have any doubt or need to create your own messenger app with white label solution, then this […]
How to Get Own A2P Messaging Platform for Bulk SMS
A2P messaging is one of the most popular and widely used messaging channels for commercial communication through A2P messaging platforms. The reason behind the tremendous popularity of A2P messaging is its incredible open rates. Since business messages are highly time-sensitive, A2P messages appear to be the perfect fit for business purposes. What is A2P Messaging […]
Why OTT Chat is Becoming More Popular than SMS Messaging?
Over the years, we have witnessed the trend of person-to-person SMS chatting declining day by day. This shift is taking place because of the migration of mobile SMS traffic to the OTT apps such as WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, etc. which are rapidly gaining momentum. By 2025, two-thirds of mobile connections will be on […]
Increase Revenue with White Label Cloud PBX
Transition to VoIP started two decades back, but many businesses are still in the process of making this shift. This means service providers in the VoIP Industry have the opportunity to help businesses in making this shift. Considering that there are around 400 million small sized businesses worldwide, service providers can generate significant revenue streams. […]