With the increasing demand for communication tools, it has become imperative for businesses to manage workplace applications systematically. The traditional communication system, or PBX equipment, which was so much more popular a few years back, has been outsmarted by the technology known as Unified Communications. But you may ask, what is unified communications? Well, this […]
SMS Gateway: What it is and How it Works?
Ever heard the term SMS gateway or text messaging gateway and wondered what it is about? Well, if you are dealing with SMS business or are into bulk SMS service, then you must understand this technology. In this post, we will explain some essential facts related to text messaging gateways and how you can get […]
What is an SMS Aggregator and How Does it Work?
When a person sends a text message to someone, usually it appears that it’s a one-step process. However, in the background, a lot of things happen. One critical role is that of SMS aggregators, who act as intermediaries between businesses and carriers for delivery of the messages to consumer’s mobile devices. Through this blog, we […]
SBC vs Firewall : Which one is a Better Choice?
In today’s threat-filled digital world, security is a key non-negotiable for any business, right? Every enterprise needs a robust and effective security mechanism to protect its network from hackers and cyber attackers. While Firewalls are among the first security mechanisms, with time and change, SBCs or Session Border Controllers have become a more popular choice. […]
Benefits of Session Border Controller (SBC) in your Network
You have a robust firewall installed to secure your business network. But then why do industry experts recommend Session Border Controllers or SBCs to safeguard networks? This is because firewalls are built to guard against traditional threats. Today, businesses have to deal with a wide range of vulnerabilities in VoIP traffic. SBCs offer comprehensive defense […]